Thursday, January 24, 2008

My New Baby

Am the father of a "new baby" now that my other has departed.
Sob, sob, cry, cry --------

Probably should clarify that "my other baby" was a Mazda RX8 2004.

Bought end of 2003 when I was going through one of life's crisis.
I loved that car, the purring rotary engine, sleek design, comfort, smooth ride, etc, etc.
Now living in Philadelphia, keeping the Mazda was just not practical.

Some reasons were:

1) Not a car that could be driven in winter snow.
2) Very low gas mileage.
3) Used only premium gas - getting very expensive.
4) No trunk or cargo room.
5) Become a problem to start up and stalling (weakness of this model after 10,000 miles)
6) A little large for parking in my cramped parking facility.
7) Required frequent oil fills due to rotary engine type.
8) Maintenance had to be done only at Dealer - several miles away.
9) Very high insurance premiums.
10) Booty got scratched in parking garage (not really a reason).
11) My friend, Roger is on his second new car since I got mine (also not really a reason).

So what did I get - a Honda Fit. A fairly inexpensive small SUV. So far like it - small but lots of room on the inside. Got for a even exchange - just had to pay taxes, transfer fees, etc. But why, why - did it take 3 hours at the dealer to conclude the deal. Had to look at models, test drive, negotiate/barter/argue (hate this part - they initially wanted $3,000 + trade-in - had to walk out twice before I worked them down), then listen to pitch on all the add-ons, warranties etc and turn them down). Exhausting process but think it all worked okay in the end. Will miss "my Mazada baby" - she was a fun ride - but here is to moving on.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Recently, I received an email from a dear friend, who commented that my blog lately is sounding like I am an unhappy curmudgeon. He then questioned why I was not more happy.

Happiness - that elusive, often temporary state of great pleasure, contentment, elation and optimism. I thought about his comment and reflected - in general, am I happy? The answer is an unequivocal YES!

Sadly, it is so easy to get caught up with and focus on the various annoyances in life rather than all that is positive and going well for us. Like the stone in the shoe - it sure annoys and makes us unhappy with its presence but the normal absence of the stone does not evoke a positive and happy response.

Actually, I currently am experiencing one of the happiness times of my life. At the risk of sounding self elating, am going to mention some reasons why.

Last March, I retired from full time employment after many, many years working for 'the man". So time is now my own, offering me the opportunity to pursue various self interest activities. Fortunately, my monthly retirement stipend is adequate enough that I don't have to work as a WalMart greeter or some other mundane job. I have moved back to Philadelphia, a city that I love and that has a great variety of inner city amenities. I have a great affordable apartment in a well maintained building that provides a pool, gym, library, computer room, parking facilities, and a helpful and courteous staff. Great neighbors and have met many friendly residents within the area. Have easy access to great public transportation of all types. Wonderful shopping is within easy walking distance including Trader Joes, Whole Food, Wine/Beer Outlet plus book, antique, toy stores and great restaurants. Also, to be mentioned are the theaters, movies, concerts, libraries and social "watering holes". Recently, had a big scare when I was diagnosed with CLL (Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia) but then got some good news that it was in the very early stages, was non-aggressive and should not require treatment for several years. Along the medical lines, am scheduled for a knee replacement next month so soon can resume being a dancing fool. Then, just yesterday was informed that I had been accepted at Union Theological Seminary where I can pursue studies and hopefully realize ordination as a Unitarian minister. Last, but most importantly all my dear personal friends who have extented their love and support these many years - a true font of great happiness for me.

In conclusion, I want to Thank You, David for pointing out my recent negativism and while I can't promise never to moan and groan again, I will try to focus and blog more on the positive aspects of my life.

Curmudgeon - Hum Bug!

Friday, January 11, 2008


Today it is 52 degrees and raining cats and dogs in Philadelphia. Is it not January? Global Warming is a reality! "Raining cats and dogs" - sayings like that - ever wonder what they mean and their origin? Anyway, good day to do some blogging.

I have lamented (okay -ranted) on the subject of packaging before. But something has got to be done. Yesterday, got myself overwhelmed with it all. Started off trying to open up a DVD. First had to remove it out of a cardboard sleeve, cut open the plastic wrap that static keep it sticking to my fingers, peel off three strips of security tape around the edges that resisted several efforts, and finally snap the DVD out of the case that would not release. Twenty minutes later succeeded with a pile of trash and frustration. Oh, cost of DVD was $6.99 - not a national treasure to warrant such security.

Time for lunch. Thought a nice ham and cheese sandwich would be nice. Ham was sealed in a plastic type of pouch. "Tear here to open" - not unless you are Hercules. Ended up cutting along the dotted line. Resealable package now open - not - had to literally cut around the edge of the ham slices to remove. Package now is now not resealable so into the trash. Now for the cheese - similar exercise but each piece of cheese is separated by a piece of paper. Does someone have a phobia of two pieces of cheese touching each other? Mustard jar - only a pair of pliers could remove the lid. Thankfully, the bread wrap torn open. Pickles, not even going to try to open that jar.

Now at this point, you would think that I had enough. But no, just had got myself a new action figure and was anxious to display it. How do you even go about breaking open the hard plastic clam shell? Scissors, knife, screwdriver, hammer, hacksaw - no way. Finally got a box cutter to work. Be very careful about ones fingers, etc and do it on a cutting board. Then had the joy of untwisting twelve twist ties, several pieces of tape and string. Are we done yet? No, the back of the head is glued to the cardboard backing. How to remove without cutting a piece of hair out. Ah, manicure scissors very carefully. Finally, Captain Jack Sparrow - you are mine, mine at last!

Did I mention that I live in an apartment building that limits how much trash can be put out in one day. Guess that I will be apportioning my out over the next few days. Seriously though what a terrible waste of resources and how many products have been damaged in the unpackaging. The madness has got to stop before I myself go stark raving MAD! Now, where is that triple sealed package of cookies?

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Nuff Said

Couldn't resist after my "New Year Resolutions" post.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

New Year Resolutions

Ti's that time of year again where one feels compelled to resolve for betterment in the New Year. Sadly, the problem is not in the making of resolutions; it is in the keeping of them. Perhaps, the most commonly made resolution is to eat more healthy. Typically, this takes the form of going on a diet that at best last about two weeks. So then why would I consider a dietary change? Because last year, I resolved to eliminate trans fats from my diet and with the help of government intrusion into our private lives, have been fairly successful and lost about twenty pounds.

This has inspired me to attempt to eliminate from my diet another food poison - high fructose corn syrup. Another easy step towards my healthy eating goal - or so I thought - but a quick look at the ingredients in the prepared foods in my pantry revealed a rather shocking surprise. It is in practically everything! It is in my favorites - ketchup, salad dressing, mayonnaise, soy milk, tomato sauce and paste, carmel corn, peanut butter, crackers, and even in my high fiber bran cereal and arthritis medication. It is often listed as the second or third prevalent ingredient in these foods. Is the food industry trying to kill us? So it would seem that I have a bigger challenge than I anticipated. While it may not be a easy step, I am going forth with some baby steps with greater awareness and concerted effort to reduce my fructose ingestion. Wish me luck, I know that I will need it. Will post on my success or lack thereof.