Friday, November 30, 2007

Merry Christmas vs Happy ???

It is my feeling that lately there is too much emphasis on being "politically correct". Don't get me wrong, I am very opposed to using personal derogatory slurs; but recently, I was criticized for wishing someone a Merry Christmas. I like to say Merry Christmas even though I am a Unitarian and not strictly a Christian; because that is the way I was brought up to celebrate this time of year. If anyone wishes to greet me in a different way, that is perfectly fine because that is the way they were brought up. You see, it is all about who you are and how you personally feel about this time of year. If I tell a Jewish friend of mine Merry Christmas, it is not intended as an insult but as a happy and friendly gesture from my heart and it also should be received that way. If someone tells me Happy "Whatever" their beliefs are, I will receive it in kindness and I will know they are intending for me to feel happy and secure in this holiday season. So whatever holiday or belief you celebrate, I want to wish each and everyone of you a Merry Christmas. Translation - I hope you are doing well and having a warm and fun filled heart this time of year. Big bear HUGS to all and to all a good night.


Bryan Kolesar said...

I agree with you. It is amazing to the degree the last 10-20 years of this P.C.-thing has changed the behavior and dialog between such times of the year, like this, that are meant to be joyful. This, often, can/should transcend religion.

At least you didn't suggest that they should accept the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. ;-)

Dan said...

As a non-Christian, my usual reply to "Merry Christmas" is "Thanks!" Meaning thanks for the sentiment.