Monday, November 17, 2008

Where is Waldo?

I just noticed that it has been over a month since my last posting. My time flies whether you are having fun or not. So for those wondering - "Where is Mark?" - am still up and about. Problem is I have not quite recovered from the malaise state that I was in during my last post and just have not been moved lately to expound on life. Outside of the positive election of Barack Obama and the Phillies win of the baseball world championship, things remain rather gloomy. The economy situation continues to deteriorate, human rights such as gay marriage continue to be denied, health issues are of concern, seminary studies plod along, gloomy and cold weather now prevails, getting older with more aches and pains, close friends have moved away, etc., etc. Cheer up Mark - things could get worse and then they did. So for now, know that the old curmudgeon is still around and I promise to make my next post more uplifting even if it is one of my usual rants and raves.

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