Friday, September 12, 2008

Lipstick Smear

I know that once again I am shouting into the wind but here goes anyway. The economy is in the tank, we're about to invest trillions of dollars in a failed mortgage company, our troops are dying everyday overseas, hurricanes and natural disasters are plummeting our countryside, health care and insurance continues to be a disaster, job losses are escalating, state and city budgets are being slashed, homicides continue unabated, our food chain is being contaminated, etc., etc.
Yet the biggest stories of the week was whether Obama was making fun of Palin in his lipstick comment and McCain's six hundred dollar shoes and seven houses.
You can put lipstick on the media, but it is still a waste of time!
Not wishing to be cast as one, who can't play along in the spirit of the times. Let me say this to Sarah Palin - if you had spent more time reading books instead of attempting to ban them; perhaps, you would know that dinosaurs did not roam the earth 4,000 years ago.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Back to School

Fall semester has begun and here I am back at Union Theological Seminary for some additional studies. I am already swamped with reading and writing assignments. Still can't help but to reflect how the academic world has changed since I was last a full-time student (1977).

Back then you prepared yourself with pencils, pens, binders, note papers, required text books, a backpack, and maybe a "tape" recorder and a typewriter. Today, in addition to and/or instead of those items, a laptop computer is an absolute necessity plus a "digital" recorder, access to the internet and an email account, a printer, documentation software, a "PDF" reader, and a cell phone; just to name a few paraphernalia. Cost differential from about a hundred dollars to over a thousand. Tuition and other fees have also increased exponentially.

Yet, as I look around at my fellow students, it is the norm to take class notes on a laptop, to converse with the professor via email, to attend lectures that are presented via video or tutors (professor not present), download assignments and readings from the internet, acquire research material from libraries around the world via the web; all while "texting" on a cell phone or listening to the latest musical release on a portable player, the size of a pack of gum.

Can this "old dog" adjust and manage to acquire the education desired to be awarded a Master of Divinity degree. Well, as goes the old saying "Am going to give it the old college try". To tell the truth, am enjoying the intellectual stimuli and the beautiful campus.