Monday, April 21, 2008

Worst Political Debate Ever

Tomorrow is primary voting day in Pennsylvania and as of right now I have no idea as to whom I am voting for. I have tried to be an informed citizen during this very long adnauseam pre-election period but to no avail. I have to blame some of that due to the inept media coverage. Recently there was televised debate in Philadelphia between Clinton and Obama and it was pathetic. In fact, there were times when during the debate where it ventured into territory so utterly asinine that I could scarcely believe what I was witnessing. The entire first hour was dedicated to silly campaign queries and scandals both du jour and d'antan. Before a single question was posed about the war in Iraq or the economy was asked, the viewing audience had to wade through the following: Any chance at a "Dream Ticket?", "Bitter, much?","Do you think your opponent stands a chance against McCain?","What about Reverend Wright?","Hey, Why do you not wear an American flag lapel pin?". I was waiting to hear the question, do you wear boxers or briefs?

No questions were asked, as far as I could tell, about the torture memos, about FISA, about health care, about deregulation, about the housing mortgage crisis, the world food crisis, global warming, al Qaeda or Pakistan. Not only did Gibson frame his economic question entirely in the terms of the discredit supply-side economics, he then argued with the candidates about their answers! Each candidate was given one minute to talk about gas prices! This was the worst debate I can remember ever watching. It was a complete travesty, a two hour object lesson in the complete and utter collapse of the media and an insult to the intellect of the American people.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Axed by the Tax Man

Once again the tax man has welted his mighty ax. Yes folks, I had to pay up this tax day a substantial sum. And what is my hard earned monies going towards: government waste, a no win and unjust war, pet political projects, inept and uncaring government services, invasion of civic rights under the guise of the Patriot Act, indicted politicians, scandals ad nausea, economy in a recession, a marriage defense act, escalating energy costs, joblessness at an all time high, increasing taxes, decaying infrastructures, and of course the disparities (DISCRIMINATION) that gay couples face because they are denied the federal tax benefits that go with marriage. I could continue this harangue but believe that I made my point and in the interest of time and my sanity will close out with this quote from Mahatma Gandhi - "You must be the change, you wish to see in the world".

Wednesday, April 2, 2008