Friday, June 27, 2008

Individuals Have Gun Rights

Once again, I find myself comforted on how our government protects our rights (in case you may be wondering yes - this is a sarcastic remark). The Supreme Court on June 26, 2008 ruled that individuals have the right to keep and bear firearms. The decision was applauded by Bush and Cheney, of course. Justice Scalia went on to say that "the handgun is Americans' preferred weapon of self-defense as it can be pointed at a burglar with one hand while the other hand dials the police (imagine sounds of me choked up here). So there you have it my fellow Americans.

The economy is going to hell in a hand basket. Oil companies, banks, credit card companies, health organizations, etc. enjoy what amounts to monopolies - charging us exorbitant fees and denying services, gun violence and murder on the streets of our cities is at an all time high, our privacy has been compromised under the guise of the Patriotic Act, discrimination with regards to marriage and serving in the armed forces, etc. continues unabated, the infrastructure of the country is deteriorating at an ever faster clip, cities/counties are flooded or burning, costs of basics such as food, shelter, and clothing are at an all time high, the stock market dips lower and lower; but guess what, it has been reaffirmed that we have the right to possess and use a weapon. I am almost am tempted to go out and buy a gun and shoot myself in the head (oops suicide is against the law but killing a fellow human - that is not necessarily illegal).

Friday, June 20, 2008

What a Difference a Month Makes!

Was my blog updates missed? Whether Yes or No, I am back. It has been a month since I had my right knee replacement surgery. So far I am pleased to report that my recovery is going well and according to plan. At this juncture, I can walk limited distances without a cane, negotiating stairs - one step at a time, and the bouts of pain are less frequent and intense. I have been assisted in my recovery by an outstanding home visiting nurse, physical therapist, and my friends. My follow up appointment with the doctor is July 1st and I am hoping to be "discharged" and given permission to drive again. Frankly, am getting a little "steer crazy" and having caught up with all the missed episodes of 7th Heaven; I need to get out into the wild and wide world again.

More personal good news. I have officially been accepted into the Master of Divinity program at Union Theological Seminary. My admission had been in a "pending" status that was contingent on my non-degree class grades. I am pleased to report that I did very well in my classes, even receiving a credit with distinction.

This should do it for blog reporting on the personal for awhile and back to more general interest topics and my usual "rants and raves".

Sunday, June 1, 2008

OUCH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I did not "chicken out" and last Thursday checked myself into the hospital and acquired myself a new knee. The surgery went well and the surgeon tells me that he did another excellent job (love his modesty). The pain being experienced during this post operative/recovery period is intense. It is like hot razors slicing into my knee and leg. No, it is like a nest of wasps stinging me in anger over and over again. No, it is like nails are being pounded into the flesh after the skin has been peeled off. If I have not conveyed yet the intensity, did hear one woman say that she rather give child birth than experience this pain. Now know why some people choose not to have this procedure done. They say in a couple of weeks I will be celebrating that I "walked through the fire". Sure hope so! Had a dear friend (Bob) stay with me for the first week following the surgery and words can not express how much I appreciated his support, comfort, and caring. Now am looking forward to navigate without use of a walker and cane. Till then ----