Saturday, March 8, 2008

Back in School

Mm - over two weeks since I last posted. Well, am going to use the excuse that school is keeping me busy. That is right. I have returned to the academic world. After a thirty some year absence have decided to once again "hit the books" and pursue getting another Master's degree. This time am working towards a Masters of Divinity from Union Theological Seminary located adjacent to the Columbia University in New York city. Aside from having to commute a couple of times a week to New York from Philly, there are lots and lots of readings and papers to do. Don't remember school being this demanding and now laptop computers have replaced the quill pen and ink. I do enjoy the intellectual stimuli but the grunt work, not at all. The question is - can I persevere? As a part time student, it will take me a least six years. Stamina steroids anyone (just kidding)? One might ask, why am I doing this. Well aside from enjoying the intellectual and learning aspect, coming to terms with my spiritual identity, I aspire to ordination as a Unitarian Universalist minister someday. Every since I can remember, I have always wanted to be a part of and work in the ministry but life happened and took me every which way but there. So now that I finally have the opportunity, am going for it. Let's pray that I make it.

1 comment:

Alan said...

Hi Marck. I'm a friend of Dan Shreve (that's how I found your blog)and a grad of UTS NYC ('82).
I work as a rabbi and live in Philly. If you ever need to chat (or complain) about Union or the religion biz, I'd be happy to.

