Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Fall Seminary Semester Completed

Yeah! Yesterday was my last class (3 hour exam) for the fall semester. Now maybe I can get into the holiday mood. Ho Ho Ho! I never imagined when I started this venture that there was that much to learn about religion. This past semester courses included: Religions in the City (very interesting course that included field trips to different houses of worship), Christian History (was somewhat difficult trying to assimilate dates, events, and all those popes - over 300), and my favorite - Using Psalms in Ministry. In the psalms course, the instructor encouraged us to apply our own interpretations and/or rewrite our own versions of the psalms while remaining true to the original intent. For a Unitarian Universalist, this was like giving candy to one with a sweet tooth.

Considering what I have been writing about lately, i would like to share my version of Psalm 2.

Why are the nations of the world in turmoil and people conspiring against each other?

Too often rulers of nations and their advisers take counsel together, against the righteous people of faith.

Saying, “Let us burst their alliances and cause discord amongst them.”

The heavens will laugh at them in scorn.

They will be held accountable and found hateful.

Divine righteousness will prevail.

Know this decree, “We are all children of the Divine and inheritors of the earth”.

Conspirers will be called to account for their transgressions and their authorities will be shattered.

Now therefore, rulers of all nations be wise and warned.

Serve with honesty and fairness; attend to the needs of your people or they will have cause to be angry and you will perish, for their wrath is quickly kindled.

Happy are all who take refuge on the path of righteousness.

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