Thursday, July 9, 2009

Would Jesus Discriminate?

Pope Benedict XVI (a/k/a Ratzinger) is at it again; this time proposing a new world political body that would supersede the United Nations. He would want this organization to have "real teeth." This body would give more aid to those in need, would enhance trade unions and would focus on an economy driven by the desire to do good as well as make money. (Of course, there is no place for birth control, abortion or marriage equality.) The Pope went on to observe, "As society becomes ever more globalized, it makes us neighbors but does not make us brothers."

I don’t understand and have to ask, isn’t one of the main purposes of religion - to make us brothers and sisters? And why do I allow the Pope to irate me so much – maybe because also being in the ministry, I feel this man, in particular, should not be so discriminatory and be promoting universal love for all men and women.

Through history, many religious institutions have used their interpretation of the scriptures to justify discrimination against women, ethnic minorities, and people with different sexual orientations. In particular, the dominant conversations in around sexual orientation and gender identity have been framed in religious bigotry and intolerance. People in groups that differ from the majority tend to be marginalized in society. People of faith probably would not imagine that Jesus would discriminate. Yet many still maintain discriminatory beliefs, not because thy think it is right, but because they have never actually examined their own beliefs closely and blindly follow those of certain religious leaders. I again, I ask would Jesus discriminate? My viewpoint is that discrimination was not part of Jesus’ message, nor should it be part of any church’s ministry. Amen.

1 comment:

TJ Donnelly said...

As always, you fuel "food for thought"

"Would Jesus Discriminate?" The more I think about my own religious beliefs, the more I highly doubt that Jesus would disown me, just because I am gay. I guess the unquestionable feelings that I have towards my own beliefs is stronger that those who tend to speak for me...that being the Church. So do I disown my Church or just dismiss those who feel I will go to hell if I carry on with my life as is? Until such a time that I feel that the other side is right...I will continue to pray and worship God my way...His Way!