Monday, December 10, 2007

Sirens, Sirens, and more Sirens

I recently moved back into the big city of Philadelphia after living several years in the suburbans. I very quickly became annoyingly aware of police, fire truck, and ambulance sirens wailing several times during the day and night. Probably, does not help that I live about two blocks away from a fire station where all the 911 response vehicles are housed. Without fail, they seem to start up during a favorite TV/movie show, while trying to talk on the phone, as soon as I lay down for a nap or for the night, or at three in the morning. Annoying is not a strong enough word for how the noise intrudes on my daily life. My neighbors have said that after a time, I will have adjusted and not really hear them anymore but after four months that has not yet happened. Then I pause and think of the human tragedy that may be behind those sirens, a house fire, a car accident, a shooting, a heart attack, etc. and reflect "but for the grace of God, it could have involved me". Like just a couple weeks ago where there was a shooting on a street corner that I had been at just ten minutes prior or at a mall that I had planned to shop later in the day. Then my annoyance is tempered and I comfort myself further by saying well, at least it was not the mind piercing horrid noise of power lawn mowers and leaf blowers.

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