Tuesday, January 1, 2008

New Year Resolutions

Ti's that time of year again where one feels compelled to resolve for betterment in the New Year. Sadly, the problem is not in the making of resolutions; it is in the keeping of them. Perhaps, the most commonly made resolution is to eat more healthy. Typically, this takes the form of going on a diet that at best last about two weeks. So then why would I consider a dietary change? Because last year, I resolved to eliminate trans fats from my diet and with the help of government intrusion into our private lives, have been fairly successful and lost about twenty pounds.

This has inspired me to attempt to eliminate from my diet another food poison - high fructose corn syrup. Another easy step towards my healthy eating goal - or so I thought - but a quick look at the ingredients in the prepared foods in my pantry revealed a rather shocking surprise. It is in practically everything! It is in my favorites - ketchup, salad dressing, mayonnaise, soy milk, tomato sauce and paste, carmel corn, peanut butter, crackers, and even in my high fiber bran cereal and arthritis medication. It is often listed as the second or third prevalent ingredient in these foods. Is the food industry trying to kill us? So it would seem that I have a bigger challenge than I anticipated. While it may not be a easy step, I am going forth with some baby steps with greater awareness and concerted effort to reduce my fructose ingestion. Wish me luck, I know that I will need it. Will post on my success or lack thereof.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was so good about cutting out the sweet stuff until the holiday season happened. (Perhaps it started with those cupcakes in October) Now I find myself on a sweet-craving cycle. Aside from plain ol' cane sugar, God only knows how much High Fructose Corn Syrup I have been consuming lately. I've been in denial.