Friday, June 20, 2008

What a Difference a Month Makes!

Was my blog updates missed? Whether Yes or No, I am back. It has been a month since I had my right knee replacement surgery. So far I am pleased to report that my recovery is going well and according to plan. At this juncture, I can walk limited distances without a cane, negotiating stairs - one step at a time, and the bouts of pain are less frequent and intense. I have been assisted in my recovery by an outstanding home visiting nurse, physical therapist, and my friends. My follow up appointment with the doctor is July 1st and I am hoping to be "discharged" and given permission to drive again. Frankly, am getting a little "steer crazy" and having caught up with all the missed episodes of 7th Heaven; I need to get out into the wild and wide world again.

More personal good news. I have officially been accepted into the Master of Divinity program at Union Theological Seminary. My admission had been in a "pending" status that was contingent on my non-degree class grades. I am pleased to report that I did very well in my classes, even receiving a credit with distinction.

This should do it for blog reporting on the personal for awhile and back to more general interest topics and my usual "rants and raves".

1 comment:

Bryan Kolesar said...

Congratulations on all fronts....despite my lack of comments lately, I've been following along.

I hoisted a growler (yes, a WHOLE growler) of Pranqster last night in your honor. Okay, truthiness moment...I didn't know as of last night of your good news, but it sounds good to say in hindsight ;-)